You submitted a wildlife plan for the local county appraisal district to review and approve -- now what?
The purpose of this article is not to provide legal advise but to educate you on things you may want to do prior to being approved by the local county appraisal district.
Let's look at the rule concerning Wildlife Management Use, Title 34 TAC (Texas Administrative Code) Rule §9.2004, in subsection (c) states, In the first year in which the owner seeks to qualify the tract of land for agricultural appraisal based on wildlife management use, the chief appraiser is required to approve the application if the facts stated on the application, the management plan, and any additional evidence presented by the owner indicate that the land will meet the requirements of subsection (b)(1) of this section and that the owner will devote the land primarily to wildlife management in the manner required by subsection (b)(2) - (3), (5) - (6) of this section, to a degree of intensity that complies with subsection (b)(4) of this section. The best way to summarize this is to say if everything you put on the willdife application is correct and the land meets the eligibilty requirements to be appraised for special use -wildlife management, then the chief appraiser "IS REQUIRED" to approve your application.
What can you do to HELP the chief appraiser approve your application? I recommend you implement some of the activities that the appraisal district will be able to SEE once they arrive on site. What do I mean by this statement? If you indicated on your wildlife plan that you were going to place 5 nest boxes on the property, then I'd recommend you do it.
Are you required to perform any wildlife managment activities PRIOR to acceptance for wildlife management use? I'll let you make the determination for yourself - please fill out the form below and request the TAC 34 rules document and I'll send you one.
As an old Starwars fan and in the words of Yoda --"just do". If you don't do, then you could be denied. Better that you "just do" than argue. That's hard for me because I am a type "A" personality!
Remember to thank everyone you see in uniform for their service and to thank all the veterans as well!
Pray for everyone that has been affected by the hurricanes!